Check out what's going on in our classroom!

Friday, May 2, 2014

The end of the school year is quickly approaching!  There are so many things to get done before then.  :)

This week we finished up our science unit on rocks/sand.  We know that sand is really VERY TINY rocks.  We watched as the sand took the shape of any container it was in.  It didn't matter if it was wet or dry, it still filled in all of the empty spaces.  Our classes also learned that sand needs to be wet to maintain its shape of the container after its been removed.  Larger rocks cannot do that.

While we were on spring break, Earth Day was celebrated.  The K4 and K5 classes talked about the different ways to take care of the Earth.  We all agreed that not littering, picking up trash, planting trees (or other plants), and using less water and electricity were great ways to preserve our planet!  Some of the kids even took bags outside during recess and collected trash.  :)

For social studies today, we talked about Stranger Danger.  We watched a video called "The Safe Side".  It discussed what a stranger is and what kids should do during certain situations.  In the video they called them "Don't Know's" because a stranger is anyone we don't know.  Mrs. Cullinane and I spoke to the kids about what they could do if they were ever in a situation where they were separated from their safe adult.  We pointed out how to identify someone that could help them if they were lost.  For example, a worker at a store wearing a uniform, or go to the cashier or service desk.  I'm sure you've already had many talks about these things at home, but it can't hurt to go over it again.

This afternoon we got to enjoy a movie ("Up!") with juice and popcorn provided to us from Home and School.  What a fun way to spend Friday afternoon!  Thank you Home and School!!  Monday we get a Dress Down day as well for collecting all those Box Tops!

Important dates to remember:

Monday, May 26th - No School for Memorial Day
Tuesday, June 3rd - K5 Breakfast Mass and Graduation (8:00 am)  MORE INFO TO FOLLOW AT A LATER DATE
Thursday, June 12th - Last day of school (Early release at 9:30)