Check out what's going on in our classroom!

Friday, May 9, 2014

I want to begin by saying a huge THANK YOU!!!!! for all the thoughtful gifts, food in the teacher's lounge, Panera lunch on Wednesday, and the awesome laminator that was given to all of us!!  It is my pleasure to be with your children each day and watch them grow.  I want you to know how much YOU'RE appreciated as well!  Without all of you, we could not function the way we do.  May God bless each and every one of you.  :)

As you know, our K5 graduation and parent breakfast mass are coming up pretty quickly!  Tuesday, June 3rd, to be exact.  Mass parts will be coming home soon for the kids to practice.

I also need each student to decorate an adult sized shoe box to be used as a time capsule.  This shoe box may be decorated any way your child wants.  Please have the completed box turned into school by Wednesday, May 28th.  Inside this box, you will need to include a letter written to your child and some small item(s) that remind your child of something they did or were really into while in K5.  It could be something like a trophy, special erasers or pencil, article of clothing, or jewelry they always wore.  These are just a few examples.  It could be one thing or several things.  You and your child can decide.

Your letter should contain things you remember about when they were in K5, or something you wish for them, etc.  Anything that you see fit.  Please put the letters into a sealed envelope with their name on it.

I will be adding a few items as well.  The sealed time capsules will be returned to your child during our graduation ceremony.  I'm going to tell the kids about this project next week, but feel free to share it with them earlier if you wish.  The point of this time capsule is for them to hang on to it and not open it until their 8th grade graduation!  I wish I could be there to see their faces when they open them again.  :)

After the parent mass and graduation ceremony on June 3rd, we will head into the parish hall for refreshments.  Please plan on this morning lasting until approximately 9:30 or so.  Mass will begin at 8:00 am in the Day Chapel.  Please note that this will NOT be our last day of school.  The kindergartners will remain at school that day and attend until June 12th.

Another little side note, our last book order form went home on Monday.  It is due this coming Monday, May 12th.  I will not be sending one home for June.

Have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend everyone and thank you again for your generosity!!  :)

Friday, May 2, 2014

The end of the school year is quickly approaching!  There are so many things to get done before then.  :)

This week we finished up our science unit on rocks/sand.  We know that sand is really VERY TINY rocks.  We watched as the sand took the shape of any container it was in.  It didn't matter if it was wet or dry, it still filled in all of the empty spaces.  Our classes also learned that sand needs to be wet to maintain its shape of the container after its been removed.  Larger rocks cannot do that.

While we were on spring break, Earth Day was celebrated.  The K4 and K5 classes talked about the different ways to take care of the Earth.  We all agreed that not littering, picking up trash, planting trees (or other plants), and using less water and electricity were great ways to preserve our planet!  Some of the kids even took bags outside during recess and collected trash.  :)

For social studies today, we talked about Stranger Danger.  We watched a video called "The Safe Side".  It discussed what a stranger is and what kids should do during certain situations.  In the video they called them "Don't Know's" because a stranger is anyone we don't know.  Mrs. Cullinane and I spoke to the kids about what they could do if they were ever in a situation where they were separated from their safe adult.  We pointed out how to identify someone that could help them if they were lost.  For example, a worker at a store wearing a uniform, or go to the cashier or service desk.  I'm sure you've already had many talks about these things at home, but it can't hurt to go over it again.

This afternoon we got to enjoy a movie ("Up!") with juice and popcorn provided to us from Home and School.  What a fun way to spend Friday afternoon!  Thank you Home and School!!  Monday we get a Dress Down day as well for collecting all those Box Tops!

Important dates to remember:

Monday, May 26th - No School for Memorial Day
Tuesday, June 3rd - K5 Breakfast Mass and Graduation (8:00 am)  MORE INFO TO FOLLOW AT A LATER DATE
Thursday, June 12th - Last day of school (Early release at 9:30)

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Spring Break has finally arrived!  Take some time to sit and reflect about what this time of year means to us.  :)

There is no homework calendar for when we return from break, so....your child's homework is to READ, READ, READ!!!!  I've been sitting down with each of the kids and reading with them.  It is so important to practice every night.  It makes a huge difference.

The K5 class tied the first graders in the Box Top contest for 2nd place!!  This means we get a popcorn and movie afternoon.  :)  This will take place on Friday, May 2nd.  Thank you for turning in all those box tops.  Our school earned over $2,100!!!!

Some dates to remember...

Spring Break - April 18th-April 27th.
Open House- Sunday, April 27th

Enjoy your days off and have a blessed Easter!

Monday, March 31, 2014

The spring warmth finally reached us today!!  Too bad it's short-lived, but I'll take it.  :)  I'm not sure snow bags will be needed anymore.  (Let's hope not!)  However, you may still want to send in boots.  The grass is still very wet and muddy.

Don't forget to turn in your 1 dozen plastic Easter eggs.  We will be using them for a project in the next week or so.  Please have them here by Friday, April 4th.

This Thursday, April 3rd, is Spirit Wear day.  The kids can either wear St. Joe's spirit wear or Wisconsin Badger spirit wear with uniform pants.

If you're participating in the Book It! promotion for the free personal pan pizza, please turn in your March calendar.  This is the last month for this offer.

Have a wonderful week!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Today the K4 and K5 classes walked through the Stations of the Cross in the Day Chapel.  The students were all very respectful and were really moved by the things that Jesus endured for us.  It was nice to see how much background knowledge the kids had regarding the events surrounding Jesus' crucifixion.

Next week we will be studying rocks for our science unit.  If you have any collections you would be willing to loan our classes for a bit, please send them in clearly labeled with your child's name so they can be returned.

There will be no school on Thursday, March 27th and Friday, March 28th, due to teacher in service.

For one of our Easter projects coming up, each student will need to bring in 1 dozen plastic Easter eggs.  Not the jumbo variety, just a regular size that would fit into an average egg carton.  Please have them in by Monday, March 31st.  Thank you!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Well, the leprechauns got through our traps once again!!  Ugh!  They are sooo tricky.  They did leave a few coins in each of our traps, but we weren't lucky enough to get our hands on one of the little guys.  :( 

Along with setting off all the traps, the leprechauns sure did a nice job of messing up our classroom.  We had chairs turned over on top of desks, puzzles on the floor, pillows scattered around, bristle blocks poured out, the calendar was all messed up and missing numbers, and they even tipped our garbage can over.  They sure left us with a big job cleaning all that up, but the kids were awesome and pitched in right away.  :)

Our party was lots of fun.  Thanks to those who pitched in and provided something for our party.  It was all very yummy and colorful!  The leprechaun game was lots of fun too.

A few reminders for things coming up...

The Box Top contest ends this Friday!  Keep sending in those tabs.

Dollar Dress DOWN on Wednesday, and Dollar Dress UP on Friday.

No school Thursday, March 27th and Friday, March 28th.

Have a wonderful week!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Well, the votes are in!  During Mardi Gras, the kids could pay towards a drawing to throw a pie in a teacher's face.  Six names were picked today at Scattering and these are the lucky winners:
Ms. Sartoris
Mrs. Paulus
Mrs. St. Louis
Mrs. Charles
Mrs. T.

Aren't we lucky??!!  The date and time of this event is TBD.  :)

Keep working on those leprechaun traps!  We have one more week to complete them.  Please have them turned in on Friday, March 14th.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Today the kids are coming home with our Lenten project.  This is a school-wide activity to bring to light of all the kind things we can do for others.  Each student in our class has a small bag of fish that they can use to record any service they provide to others.  When your child has done an act of service, please write that on a fish (put their name on the back) and turn it in to school the next day.  We have provided a sample list for you to look at.  The goal is to have St. Joe's "swimming" in fish!  If your child runs out of fish, please let me know and I'll send some more home.

Friday, February 28, 2014

March is coming in like a lion for sure this year!  We can only hope that it goes out like a lamb in a few weeks.  There are so many exciting things happening in the K5 classroom and here at St. Joe's!

The K4 and K5 classes have been studying Dr. Seuss this last week and will continue on into next week as well.  We are getting really good at rhyming words and word families.  We've read "The Cat in the Hat", "The Cat in the Hat Comes Back", and "One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish".  Next week we'll read "The Lorax" and make trufulla trees.

I've sent home the last of the Book It! calendars for the kids.  This is your last opportunity to earn that free personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut.  Please return your February calendar so I can send home the coupon.

March 1st-March 21st is our Box Tops for Education contest.  Please clip all those little tags off your packaging and turn them into school.  Ask your relatives to help save them too!  The winning class wins a prize. 

Next Tuesday, March 4th, is our Mardi Gras celebration, sponsored by Student Council.  After lunch, all the kids will be in the cafeteria playing different types of carnival games.  Some snacks and drink will be available for purchase.  (We're looking for water bottle donations if you're interested.) 

The students should bring in CHANGE (NOT dollar bills) to play the games.  Each game is $0.25-$0.50.  All money collected will go toward a purchase of the Student Council's choice.  This event will take place the entire afternoon on Tuesday.  The K5 booth is a bowling game.  If there is a parent that would like to come and help out in our booth with me, let me know.  Also, if you'd like to come and help our students out during Mardi Gras, feel free.

On Monday, March 17th, we will have our St. Patrick's Day party in the afternoon.  Thank you to the following parents:

Napkins- Jennie Radmer
Treat- Angie O'Boyle
Plates- Jennie Radmer
Craft- Amanda Brosnan

We could still use a healthy snack and game for the party.  If you'd like to help us out with that, please let me know.

As you all know, this is the time of year when those pesky leprechauns come around and cause lots of trouble!  We REALLY want to catch one and ask them why they do the things they do!  I would like each student to create a leprechaun trap and bring it in to school by Friday, March 14th.  This way, the traps will be here over the weekend when those leprechauns will be snooping around.  :)  We'll be talking about this some more during class.  I just wanted to give you all a "heads up".

Some other notes......

Our snack provider for next week 3/3-3/7 is Autumn.

We are in need of some playdoh.  If anyone is willing to make some for us and send it in, that would be much appreciated!

Have a nice weekend everyone.  :)

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Valentine's Day is quickly approaching!  We will have our party Friday afternoon from 1-2 pm.  The kids can dress in valentine outfits or wear red, pink, purple, etc.  We will be making bags for our valentines here in class.

Don't forget that Monday is 100 DAY!!!!!  The kids can come to school dressed like they're 100 years old.  (This is not mandatory.)  Please send in the small snack bag of 100 items to mix together, and another bag of 100 small items for our math time.

There are definitely some fun things headed our way!

Friday, February 7, 2014

It has been a very "colorful" time here in K4/K5 science class.  We are working on our color unit, focusing on primary and secondary colors.  Ask your child which colors are which, and how we go about making those secondary colors.

Our lessons had us creating our own color wheel, making a color book and doing a few different experiments with color.  The classes mixed 2 primary colors in some shaving cream to create a new color.  It was fun to watch their faces as the colors changed.

We also did an experiment with colored water.  The primary colors absorbed into the paper towel and transferred into empty cups and created secondary colors.  Ask your student for more details about how this actually worked.  It was pretty cool!!

Our Valentine's Day party is next week Friday.  Your child can bring in valentines for our classmates.  (There are 18 students in our class.)  Thank you again for those who are helping out!

Friday, January 31, 2014

It has been an exciting Catholic Schools Week!  Even though we did miss Monday and Tuesday.  :( 

Thank you to all those who donated money to the American Heart Association.  We had so much fun jump roping and hula hooping for this worthy cause.

Our roller skating field trip was great too.  I'm sure we'll all be wearing our share of bruises for the next few days.  The kids sure were troopers though.  They just kept getting up and trying again.  Thank you to all of the parents who came along to help out and skate.  It was a blast.  :)

Most importantly, however, our class did an outstanding job at mass today!!!  Our readers were spectacular.  :)  Unfortunately, 2 of our intentions were overlooked, but the boys were able to read them before our school prayer during Scattering.  Well done everyone!!

Don't forget to return your blue report card envelope if you haven't already done so.

Great news!!!!!  On Tuesday, February 4th, we will have a new student joining us.  We have been waiting for her all year.  Her name is Michaela Ruhland and she just moved here from Canada.  If you're in the building, be sure to introduce yourself.  Now we have 18 kids in the class.  Hurray!  :)

Enjoy your weekend everyone!  Looks like more snow is on the way tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

It's time for Catholic Schools Week once again!  It all begins with our Open House, this Sunday, January 26th, from 9:30-12:30.  Please come and support our school.  Also, don't forget to spread the word to other friends and neighbors letting them know how great it is here!!

Next weeks activities are as follows:

Monday-Pajama and movie day.  Kids come dressed in their jammies and slippers.  (Please send an extra pair of shoes along as well.)

Tuesday- Career Day.  Kids can dress up for what they'd like to be when they grow up.  If you know of anyone that would like to come in and speak to the K4 and K5 classes, we'd love to have you!

Wednesday-  Spirit Day.  Kids can wear spirit wear with jeans.

Thursday-Jump Rope for Heart.  This is a dress down day.  Kids can wear red to show support for the American Red Cross.

Friday-Retro Roller Skating.  Dress in your retro gear and hit the rink!  (Don't forget this is also our K5 mass day.)

We're looking forward to a fun week celebrating St. Joe's!!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!  It looks like we've all survived the deep freeze and made it back to school ready to learn.  :)  The K5 class had a busy day getting back into our routine.

The homework calendar went home today.  If you would like to turn in the assignments for week 1 on Monday, that is fine with me.  Also, if you have been participating in the Book It! program, please send in the December calendar as soon as you can, so I can send home the pizza coupon.

As you may or may not know, January 27-31 is Catholic Schools Week.  On that Tuesday, January 28th, we have Career Day.  If you, or someone you know, would like to come in and speak with the K4 and K5 classes regarding your specific career, please let me know right away and we can begin setting up a schedule.

Thank you to those who have brought in clean, empty gallon jugs for our igloo!  We've got a good start, but keep bringing them in.  It is preferable if the caps are still on the jugs, as you can imagine what old dried up milk can smell like.  :(  Not my favorite thing.  :)

Stay warm out there!  I hear by the weekend it will be almost 40 degrees.  What's up with this winter weather??