Check out what's going on in our classroom!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Spring Break has finally arrived!  Take some time to sit and reflect about what this time of year means to us.  :)

There is no homework calendar for when we return from break, so....your child's homework is to READ, READ, READ!!!!  I've been sitting down with each of the kids and reading with them.  It is so important to practice every night.  It makes a huge difference.

The K5 class tied the first graders in the Box Top contest for 2nd place!!  This means we get a popcorn and movie afternoon.  :)  This will take place on Friday, May 2nd.  Thank you for turning in all those box tops.  Our school earned over $2,100!!!!

Some dates to remember...

Spring Break - April 18th-April 27th.
Open House- Sunday, April 27th

Enjoy your days off and have a blessed Easter!